Friday, March 2, 2007

Wally Dumphey

My dad always refered to Wally Hall as Wally Dumphey, based off the character Jack Dumphey from One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Jack Nicholson's character made the statement, "Jack Dumphey is full of (insert a certain four letter word right here)." This statement has become even more true after Dumphey's column today and the one a month ago calling out H Nutt on the most ridiculous, unfounded claims.

Today, though, outraged me when he called out Pat Beverley for his poor use of grammar in a statement saying "We ain't goin nowhere...the media is just bringing us closer together" That is a paraphrase, but apparently it is not ok for a coach or athlete to blame the precious media for reporting rumors and not facts, but it is ok for a journalist to attack a freshman basketball player. The irony of the article is not that Wally Hall can't write in complete sentences or he uses two sentence paragraphs, but that he mispelled Beverley's name (he spelled it Beverly).


Mark Edwards said...

Sensitive are we?

You said you restarted blogging because you had something to say. Is this it? Come on Clay, let's go deep! Try blogging after 10:00 PM!

We miss having you around!


Mark Edwards said...

And another thing...aren't you supposed to respond when someone leaves comment?

I don't know, just checking.