Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I was reading ole Oswald Chambers and he made the statement "The things we try to avoid and fight against-tribulation, suffering, and persecution-are the very things that produce abundant joy in us." This statement has been very true in my life, as with the death of my friend being a prime example. This was also a good reminder because yesterday I saw the commercial she starred in and it was the first time I have seen it in the past year. But after reading Chambers, I was reminding of the joy I got from God out of that horrible situation.

The surgery I am having tomorrow will suck, but I think I can find joy out of it as well. I just need to search for God and find joy in the rough times, because that is where it is abundant.

Is that a "deep" enough blog for you Mark? haha.


THEE Seeker said...

I'll be praying for you. Hope it so well.

Allison said...

Good luck with the surgery!