Monday, March 12, 2007

Embarrassing Moment

I meant to post about this last week, but I forgot. So now is as good a time as any to tell the story. I went to Stumo and they were playing the song that goes
"when i think about the Lord, how he raised me, how he saved me...."
Well I learned that the Grace Church and the Stumo version are not the same version. We got to "It makes me wanna shout" and I am the only person that actually felt compelled to shout "HEY" and so I got more than a few looks from the people around me. Needless to say, the Grace Church version is definately better.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, I'd been right there with you shouting.


Heath said...

Hey, that's great stuff man.. no reason to be embarrassed, just shouting a praise!

I get what you're saying though!

Wayne said...

They dare stare at the berg???

ShortStuff8795 said...

haha thats amazing! I wish I was there!